


Long, D.J., Rice, P.F, Routh, J., Kim, S., Fisher, J., Besselsen, D., Galvez, D., Walton, R., Barton, J.K., Heusinkveld, J., (April 1, 2024). " Optical coherence tomography for the detection of electrothermal ureteral injury in an ex-vivo porcine model, " Biophotonics Discovery, 1(1),015001-015001.

Invited Paper: Rocha, A.D., Drake, W.K., Rice, P.F., Long, D.J., Reed, M.N., Galvez, D., Heusinkveld, J.M., Barton, J.K., (March 13, 2024). " Evaluation of safety and feasibility of imaging normal fallopian tubes with an experimental OCT-MFI microendoscope, " Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XXII, Proc. SPIE

Adams, A., Hong, Z., Valenzuela, L.K., Ye, P., Liang, R., Kieu, K., Barton, J.K., (March 3, 2024). " Design of a 1.0 mm multiphoton microscopy microendoscope, " Endoscopic Microscopy XIX, 12820,7-21, Proc. SPIE

Galvez, D., Hong, Z., Rocha, A.D., Liang, R., Barton, J.K., (March 12, 2024). " Comparison of micro-optic systems for close-focus microendoscopic applications, " Endoscopic Microscopy XIX, 12820, 42-48 Proc. SPIE

Long,D.J., Rice, P.F., Scully, D., Xia, T., Walton, R., Aguirre, A., Heusinkveld, J.M., Larina,I.V., Barton, J.K., (March 12, 2024). " Functional optical coherence tomography (OCT) for mapping of cilia beat frequency in the human fallopian tube ex vivo, " Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XXII, 12831, 36-45 Proc. SPIE


Galvez, D., Hong, Z., Rocha, A. D., Heusinkveld, J. M., Ye, P., Liang, R., Barton, J. K., (2023). " Characterizing close-focus lenses for microendoscopy, " Journal of Optical Microsystems, 3(1), 011003.

Rocha, A.D., Drake, W.K., Rice, P.F., Long, D.J., Shir, H., Walton, R.H.M., Reed, M.N., Galvez, D., Gorman, T., Heusinkveld, J.M., Barton, J.K., (December 1, 2023). " Iterative prototyping based on lessons learned from the falloposcope in vivo pilot study experience, " Journal of Biomedical Optics, 28(12),121206-121206.

Adams, Z., Gorman, T., Vega, D., Kiekens, K.C., Galvez,D., Barton, J.K., (March 14, 2023). " Design of multiphoton microendoscope system for minimally invasive detection of cancer, " Endoscopic Microscopy XVIII, 12356,38-57, Proc. SPIE.

Long, D.J., Rice, P.F., Mazi, D., Barton,J.K., Heusinkveld,J., (March 14, 2023). " Optical coherence tomography for the detection of electrothermal injury in radiofrequency-induced ex-vivo porcine ureters, " Advanced Photonics in Urology 2023, 12353,19-28, Proc. SPIE.

Rice, P.F., Saywer, T., Rocha,A.D., Galvez, D.,Barton, J.K., Heusinkveld, J.M., (March 1, 2023). "Optical coherence tomography for the detection of thermal injury in an ex-vivo porcine ureter model, " American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 228(3), S858.

Barton, J.K., Rocha, A., Sawyer, T., Bohndiek,S., (March 17, 2023). "Multiscale imaging for early cancer detection, " Multiscale Imaging and Spectroscopy IV, Proc. SPIE.


Barton, J. K., Hennemeyer, C. T., Carlson, Q., Woodhead, G. J., Rouse, A. R., Utzinger, U., Gmitro, A. F., & Larson, M. (2022). " Using FDA-approved drugs as off-label fluorescent dyes for optical biopsies: from in silico design to ex vivo proof-of-concept, " Methods and Applications in Fluorescence.

Schwartz, D., Sawyer, T.W., Thurston, N., Ditzler, G., & Barton, J.K. (2022). " Ovarian cancer detection using optical coherence tomography and convolutional neural networks, " Neural Computing and Applications, 34(11), 8977-8987.

Montague, J., Shir, H., Sawyer, T., Galvez, D., Nfonsam, V., Barton, J. K., (2022). " Feasibility of non-imaging, random-sampling second harmonic generation measurements to distinguish colon cancer, " Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proc. SPIE.

Howard, C., Rice, P. F., Keenan, M., Dominguez-Cooks, J., Heusinkveld, J., Hsu, C. H., & Barton, J. K. (2021). Study of fallopian tube anatomy and mechanical properties to determine pressure limits for endoscopic exploration, Journal of histotechnology, 1-11.


Cordova, R., Kiekens, K., Burrell, S., Drake, W., Kmeid, Z., Rice, P., Rocha, A., Diaz, S., Yamada, S., Yozwiak, M., Nelson, O. L., Rodriguez, G. C., Heusinkveld, J., Shih, I. M., Alberts, D. S., & Barton, J. K. (2021). "Sub-millimeter endoscope demonstrates feasibility of in vivo reflectance imaging, fluorescence imaging, and cell collection in the fallopian tubes" Journal of biomedical optics, 26(7).

Kiekens, K., Vega, D., Thurgood, H., Galvez, D., MacGregor, D., Sawyer, T. W., & Barton, J. K. (2021). Effect of an Added Mass on the Vibration Characteristics for Raster Scanning of a Cantilevered Optical Fiber. ASME Journal of Medical Diagnostics, 4(021007).

Larson, M. C., Gmitro, A. F., Utzinger, U., Rouse, A. R., Woodhead, G. J., Carlson, Q., Hennemeyer, C. T., & Barton, J. K. (2021). Using FDA-approved drugs as off-label fluorescent dyes for optical biopsies: from in silico design toproof-of-concept, Methods and applications in fluorescence, 9(3).

Russell, S., Barton, J. K., Rodriguez, G., Zhang, H., & Alberts, D. S. (2021). Karyometry Identifies a Distinguishing Fallopian Tube Epithelium Phenotype in Subjects at High Risk for Ovarian Cancer, Analytical and Quantitative Cytopathology and Histopathology, 43(2), 44-51.

Vega, D., Galvez, D., Romano, G., Kiekens, K., Pham, N., Heusinkveld, J., Hatch, K. D., Vaughn, A., & Barton, J. K. (2021). Triple modality co-register endoscope featuring wide field reflectance imaging, and high-resolution multiphoton and optical coherence microscopy, Journal of Optical Microsystems, 1(044502).


Sawyer TW, Koevary JW, Howard CC, Austin OJ, Rice PS, Hutchens GV, Chambers SK, Connolly DC, Barton JK, “Fluorescence and Multiphoton Imaging for Tissue Characterization of a Model of Post-Menopausal Ovarian Cancer,” Lasers Surg. Med., online early view 20 April, 2020.

Kiekens KC, Romano G, Galvez D, Cordova R, Heusinkveld J, Hatch K, Drake W, Kmeid Z, Barton, JK. "Re-engineering a Falloposcope Imaging System for Clinical Use," Translational Biophotonics, accepted 2020.

Vega D, Sawyer TW, Pham NY, Barton JK, "Use of embedded and patterned dichroic surfaces with optical power to enable multiple optical paths in a micro-endoscope system," Appl. Opt. 59(22):G71-G78, 2020.


Kiekens K, Barton JK, “3D Printed Lens for Depth of Field Imaging,” OSA Continuum 2:3019-3025, 2019

KC Kiekens, D Vega, J Coompson, H Xin, JK Barton, "3D Printed Micro Lenses for Depth of Focus Imaging," Optical Fabrication and Testing OT3A. 4, 2019.

Jennifer K Barton "Blood, sweat, and light (no tears!): from treatment of vascular disorders to cancer detection ," Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXX, vol:10876 pgs:1087613, 2019.

Hoyer PB, Rice PF, Howard CC, Koevary JW, Dominguez Cooks JP, Hutchens GV, Chambers SK, Craig ZR, Connolly DC, Barton JK, “Comparison of Reproductive Function in Female TgMISIIR-TAg Transgenic and Wildtype C57BL/6 Mice,” Comparative Medicine, 69(1):16-21, 2019.

Sawyer T, Rice PS, Sawyer DM, Koevary JW, Barton JK, “Evaluation of segmentation algorithms for optical coherence tomography images of ovarian tissue,” Journal of Medical Imaging, 6(1):014002, 2019.

Jennifer K Barton, Jen W Koevary, Photini Faith Rice, Travis W Sawyer, "Endogenous and exogenous contrast mechanisms for detection of ovarian cancer," Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery, OT2D. 2, 2019.

Kelli C Kiekens, Orkhongua Batjargal, David Vega, Khanh Kieu, Jennifer K Barton, "Fiber Selection for Broadband, Ultrashort Pulse Propagation," Bio-Optics: Design and Application, DT2B. 6,2019.

Travis W Sawyer, Jennifer W Koevary, Photini FS Rice, Jennifer K Barton, " Fluorescence and Multiphoton Imaging of a Mouse Model of Spontaneous Ovarian Cancer," Bio-Optics: Design and Application, DT1B. 3, 2019.

Loh TY, Goldberg MS, Falsey RR, Barton JK, Sagerman P, Goldberg GN, “Insight into the mechanisms of type III minocycline-induced pigmentation removal: a case of repeated immediate pigment clearing with the Qs755nm Alexandrite laser over a 13-year period,” JAAD Case Reports, 5(10):865-867, 2019

Travis W Sawyer, Faith F Rice, Jennifer W Koevary, Denise C Connolly, Kathy Q Cai, Jennifer K Barton, "In vivo multiphoton imaging of an ovarian cancer mouse model ," Diseases in the Breast and Reproductive System V, vol: 10856 pg:1085605, 2019.

David Vega, Jennifer K Barton, " Model and evaluation of face forward illumination for multimodal endoscopic probes," Bio-Optics: Design and Application, DM2B. 6, 2019.

Naooki Saito, Kenji Sato, Toru Fujii, Heather L Durko, Goldie L Goldstein, Alton H Phillips, Joceline Dominguez-Cooks, Gabrielle V Hutchens, Harrison T Thurgood, Photini F Rice, Jennifer K Barton, "Multispectral Mueller matrix imaging dark-field microscope for biological sample observation," Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2019, vol.10890 pg: 108901A, 2019.

David Vega, Gabriella Romano, Jennifer K Barton, "Optomechanical design and manufacturing techniques for compact multimodal endoscopes (Conference Presentation)," Endoscopic Microscopy XIV, vol:10854 pg:108540H, 2019.

Toru Fujii, Yasuko Yamasaki, Naooki Saito, Masayasu Sawada, Ryo Narita, Taku Saito, Heather L Durko, Photini F Rice, Gabrielle V Hutchens, Joceline Dominguez-Cooks, Harrison T Thurgood, Swati Chandra, Valentine N Nfonsam, Jennifer K Barton, " Polarization characteristics of dark-field microscopic polarimetric images of human colon tissue," Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2019, vol:10890 pg: 108902J, 2019.

Sawyer T, Koevary JW, Rice PS, Howard CC, Austin OJ, Connolly DC, Cai KQ, Barton JK, “Quantification of multiphoton and fluorescence images of reproductive tissues from a mouse ovarian cancer model shows promise for early disease detection,” J. Biomed. Optics, 24(9):096010, 2019

Qin Y, Ou Y, Cromey B, Batjargal O, Barton JK, Kieu K, “Watt-level All-fiber Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplifier Working at 1300 nm,” Optics Letters, 44(14):3422-3425, 2019

Yukun Qin, Yi-Hsin Ou, Benjamin Cromey, Orkhongua Batjargal, Jennifer K Barton, Khanh Kieu, "Watt-level All-Fiber Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplifier Working at 1300 nm," CLEO: Applications and Technology, JTh5A. 6, 2019.


Rice PFS, Ehrichs KG, Jones MS, Chen H, Hsu CH, Abril ER, Nagle RB, Besselsen DG, Barton JK, Ignatenko NA, “Does Mutated K-RAS Oncogene Attenuate the Effect of Sulindac in Colon Cancer Chemoprevention?,” Cancer Prev. Res. 11(1):16-26, 2018.

Akhoundi F, Qin Y, Peyghambarian N, Barton JK, Kieu K, “Compact Fiber-Based Multi-Photon Endoscope Working at 1700 nm,” Biomedical Optics Express, 9(5):2326-2335, 2018.

Batjargal O, Ou YH, Kiekens KC, Barton JK, Kieu K, “All-fiber dissipative soliton Raman laser based on phosphosilicate fiber,” Photonics Technology Letters, 30(21):1846-1849, 2018.

Sawyer T, Chandra S, Rice PS, Koevary JW, Barton JK, “Three-dimensional texture analysis of optical coherence tomography images of ovarian tissue,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 4;63(23):235020, 2018.

William C Vogt, Jennifer K Barton, Anant Agrawal, T Joshua Pfefer, "Measurement and Thermal Dependence of Biological Tissue Optical Properties," Theory and Applications of Heat Transfer in Humans, 355-378, 2018.

David Vega, Gabriella Romano, Jennifer K Barton, " Design, manufacturing, and opto-mechanical considerations for multimodal micro-endoscope featuring optical coherence microscopy, multiphoton microscopy, and visible navigation," Optical Design and Engineering VII, v.10690 p.1069012, 2018.

Orkhongua Batjargal, Jennifer Barton, Khanh Kieu, " All-fiber dissipative soliton Raman laser for deep tissue multiphoton imaging," CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM1K. 2, 2018.

Farhad Akhoundi, Yukun Qin, N Peyghambarian, Jennifer K Barton, Khanh Kieu, "Compact fiber-based multi-photon endoscope working at 1700 nm," Biomedical optics express, v.9 p.2326-2335, 2018.

Kelli C Kiekens, Olivia Talarico, Jennifer K Barton, "Proximal design for a multimodality endoscope with multiphoton microscopy, optical coherence microscopy and visual modalities ," Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVIII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, v.10501 p.1050119, 2018.

David Vega, Kelli C Kiekens, Nikolas C Syson, Gabriella Romano, Tressa Baker, Jennifer K Barton, " Full optical model of micro-endoscope with optical coherence microscopy, multiphoton microscopy and visible capabilities ," Endoscopic Microscopy XIII, v.10470 p. 104700M, 2018.

Jennifer K Barton, Photini S Rice, Caitlin C Howard, Jen W Koevary, Forest Danford, David A Gonzales, Jon Vande Geest, L Daniel Latt, John A Szivek, Richard Amodei, Michael Slayton, "Structural and functional assessment of intense therapeutic ultrasound effects on partial Achilles tendon transection ," Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XVI, v.10484 p. 104840O, 2018.

Travis W Sawyer, Photini FS Rice, David M Sawyer, Jennifer W Koevary, Jennifer K Barton, "Evaluation of segmentation algorithms for optical coherence tomography images of ovarian tissue ," Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in the Breast and Reproductive System IV, v.10472 p. 1047204, 2018.

Molly Keenan, Tyler Tate, John Black, Urs Utzinger, Jennifer K Barton, "Performance of combined OCT/MFI microendoscope for ovarian cancer detection (Conference Presentation) ," Endoscopic Microscopy XI; and Optical Techniques in Pulmonary Medicine III, v.9691 p. 96910D, 2018.

Jennifer Barton, Urs Utzinger, Tyler Tate, Maureen Keenan, John Black, "Falloposcope and method for ovarian cancer detection," United States Patent Office, App#: 15548692, 2018.

Photini FS Rice, Kevin G Ehrichs, Mykella S Jones, Hwudarw Chen, Chiu-Hsieh Hsu, Edward R Abril, Raymond B Nagle, David G Besselsen, Jennifer K Barton, Natalia A Ignatenko, "Does mutated K-RAS oncogene attenuate the effect of Sulindac in colon cancer chemoprevention?," Cancer Prevention Research, v.11 p.16-26, 2018.


Welge WA, Barton JK, “In vivo endoscopic Doppler optical coherence tomography imaging of the colon,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, in press.

Keenan M, Tate TH, Kieu K, Black JF, Utzinger U, Barton JK, “Design and characterization of a combined OCT and wide field imaging falloposcope for ovarian cancer detection,” Biomedical Optics Express 8(1):124-136, 2017.

Tate TH, Keenan M, Black J, Utzinger U, Barton JK, “Ultra miniature optical design for multispectral fluorescence imaging endoscopes,” J Biomed Opt. 22(3), 036013, 2017.

Howlett ID, Han W, Gordon M, Rice PS, Barton JK, Kostuk RK, "Volume holographic imaging endoscopic design and construction techniques,” J. Biomed. Opt. 22(5):56010, 2017.

Chandra S, Nymeyer AC, Rice PS, Gerner EW, Barton JK, “Intermittent dosing with sulindac provides effective colorectal cancer chemoprevention in the azoxymethane-treated mouse model,” Cancer Prevention Research 10(8):459-466, 2017.

Howlett ID, Rice PS, Barton JK, Kostuk RK, “Wavelength Coded Volume Holographic Imaging Endoscope for Multi-Depth Imaging,” J. Biomed. Opt. 22(10):1-4, 2017.

George Barbastathis, Yuan Luo, Raymond K Kostuk, Jennifer K Barton, "System, method and apparatus for phase contrast enhanced multiplexing of images," United States Patent Office, # 9684106, 2017.

Isela D Howlett, Wanglei Han, Michael Gordon, Photini Rice, Jennifer K Barton, Raymond K Kostuk, "Volume holographic imaging endoscopic design and construction techniques," Journal of biomedical optics, v.22 p.056010, 2017.

Jennifer Kehlet Barton, "Miniature Multimodal Optical Endoscopes for Early Cancer Detection," Optical Molecular Probes, Imaging and Drug Delivery, JS1A. 5, 2017

Isela Howlett, Wanglei Han, Jennifer K Barton, Raymond K Kostuk, "Wavelength Coded Volume Holographic Imaging Endoscope Utilizing Axial Chromatic Dispersion ," Bio-Optics: Design and Application, BoW4A. 6, 2017.

Tyler H Tate, Molly Keenan, John F Black, Urs Utzinger, Jennifer K Barton, "Ultraminiature optical design for multispectral fluorescence imaging endoscopes ," Journal of Biomedical Optics, v.22 p.036013, 2017.

Tyler H Tate, Davis McGregor, Jennifer K Barton, "Single lens system for forward-viewing navigation and scanning side-viewing optical coherence tomography," Endoscopic Microscopy XII, v.10040 p.100400H, 2017

SJ Russell, G Rodriguez, M Yozwiak, C Patel, M Maarouf, H Bartels, J Barton, P Bartels, D Alberts, "Karyometry Identifies a Distinguishing Fallopian Tube Epithelium Phenotype in Subjects at High Risk for Ovarian Cancer," Journal of Investigative Medicine, v.65 p.231-231, 2017.


Tate TH, Baggett B, Rice PF, Koevary JW, Orsinger GV, Nymeyer AC, Welge WA, Saboda K, Roe DJ, Hatch KD, Chambers SK, Utzinger U, Barton JK, “Multispectral fluorescence imaging of human ovarian and fallopian tube tissue for early stage cancer detection,” J Biomed Opt. 21(5), 056005, 2016.

Harpel K, Leung, S, Rice, PS, Jones, M, Barton, JK, Bommireddy, R. “Imaging colon cancer development in mice: IL-6 deficiency prevents adenoma in azoxymethane-treated Smad3 knockouts" Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(3):N60-9, 2016.

Jennifer Kehlet Barton, Babak Amirsolaimani, Photini Rice, Kenneth Hatch, Khanh Kieu, "Three-photon Imaging of Ovarian Cancer," Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics XII, v.9689 p.96893P, 2016.


Keenan M, Leung SJ, Rice PS, Wall RA, Barton JK, “Dual Optical Modality Endoscopic Imaging of Cancer Development in the Mouse Colon,” Lasers Surg Med. 47(1):30-9, 2015.M.

Leung, SJ, Rice PS, Barton JK, “In vivo molecular mapping of the tumor microenvironment in an azoxymethane-treated mouse model of colon carcinogenesis,” Lasers Surg Med. 47(1):40-9, 2015.

Carbary-Ganz JL, Welge W, Barton JK, Utzinger U, “In vivo molecular imaging of colorectal cancer using quantum dots targeted to VEGFR2 and OCT/LIF dual-modality imaging,” J Biomed Optics, 20(9):096015, 2015.

LeGendre-McGhee S, Rice PS, Wall RA, Sprute KJ, Bommireddy R, Luttmann A, Nagle RB, Abl ER, Farrell K, Hsu CH, Roe DJ, Gerner EW, Ignatenko NA, Barton JK,  “Time-Serial Assessment of Drug Combination Interventions in a Mouse Model of Colorectal Carcinogenesis Using Optical Coherence Tomography,” Cancer Growth and Metastasis, 8:63-80, 2015.

Welge WA, Barton JK, “Expanding Functionality of Commercial Optical Coherence Tomography Systems by Integrating a Custom Endoscope,” PLOS ONE, 10(9):e0139396, 2015.


Carbary-Ganz JL, Barton JK, Utzinger U, "Quantum dots targeted to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 as a contrast agent for the detection of colorectal cancer," Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(8):086003, 2014.

Welge WA, DeMarco AT, Watson JM, Rice PS, Barton JK, Kupinski MA, "Diagnostic potential of multimodal imaging of ovarian tissue using optical coherence tomography and second-harmonic generation microscopy," Journal of Medical Imaging 1(2):025501, 2014.

Wall RA, Barton JK, "Oblique incidence reflectometry: Optical models and measurements using a side-viewing gradient index lens-based endoscopic imaging system," Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(6):067002, 2014.

Orsinger GV, Watson JM, Gordon M, Nymeyer AC, de Leon EE, Brownlee JW, Hatch KD, Chambers SK, Barton JK, Kostuk RK, Romanowski M, "Simultaneous multiplane imaging of human ovarian cancer by volume holographic imaging," Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(3):036020, 2014.

Watson JM, Marion SL, Rice PF, Bentley DL, Besselsen DG, Utzinger U, Hoyer PB, Barton JK, "In vivo time-serial multi-modality optical imaging in a mouse model of ovarian tumorigenesis," Cancer Biology & Therapy 15(1):42-60, 2014.


Watson JM, Marion SL, Rice PF, Utzinger U, Brewer MA, Hoyer PB, Barton JK, "Two-photon excited fluorescence imaging of endogenous contrast in a mouse model of ovarian cancer," Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 45(3):155-166, 2013.

Marion SL, Watson J, Sen N, Brewer MA, Barton JK, Hoyer PB, “7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced malignancies in a mouse model of menopause,” Comparative Medicine 63(1):6-12, 2013.


Wall RA, Barton JK, “Fluorescence-based surface magnifying chromoendoscopy and optical coherence tomography endoscope," Journal of Biomedical Optics 17(8):086003, 2012.

Watson J, Rice P, Marion S, Brewer M, Davis JR, Rodriguez JJ, Utzinger U, Hoyer PB, Barton JK, “Analysis of Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy in a Mouse Model of Ovarian Carcinoma,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(7):076002, 2012.

Yang M, Winkler AM, Klein J. Barton JK, “Using optical coherence tomography to characterize thick-glaze structure: Chinese Southern Song Guan glaze case study,” Studies in Conservation, 57(2):67-75, 2012.


Kieu K, Barton JK, Evans A, Klein J, Peyghambarian N, "Ultrahigh resolution all-reflective optical coherence tomography system with a compact fiber-based supercontinuum source," J. Biomed. Opt. 16, 106004, 2011.

Castro JM, Brownlee J, Luo Y, de Leon E, Barton JK, Barbastathis G, Kostuk RK, “Spatial-spectral volume holographic systems: resolution dependence on effective thickness,” Applied Optics 50(7):1038-46, 2011.

Castro JM, Gelsinger-Austin PJ, Barton JK, Kostuk RK, “Confocal-rainbow volume holographic imaging system,” Applied Optics 50(10):1382-8, 2011.

Korde V, Liebmann E, Barton JK, “Design of a Handheld Optical Coherence Microscopy Endoscope,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(6):066018, 2011.

Winker AM, Bonnema GT, Barton JK, “Optical polarimetry for noninvasive glucose sensing enabled by Sagnac interferometry," Applied Optics 50(27):2719-2731, 2011.

Luo Y, de Leon E, Castro J, Lee J, Barton JK, Kostuk RK, Barbastathis G, “Phase contrast volume holographic imaging system,” Optics Letters 36(7):1290-2, 2011.

Wall RA, Bonnema GT, Barton JK, “Novel focused OCT-LIF endoscope,” Biomedical Optics Express 2(3):421-30, 2011.

Linehan JA, Bracamonte ER, Hariri LP, Sokoloff MH, Rice PS, Barton JK, Nguyen MM, “Feasibility of Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging to Characterize Renal Neoplasms: Limitations in Resolution and Depth of Penetration,” British Journal of Urology International, 108(11):1820-4, 2011

Castro JM, de Leon E, Barton JK, Kostuk RK, “Analysis of diffracted image patterns from volume holographic imaging systems and applications to image processing.” Appl Opt. Jan 10;50(2):170-6, 2011.

Winkler AM, Rice P, Weichsel J, Watson J, Backer M, Backer J, Barton JK, “In vivo, dual modality OCT/LIF imaging using a novel VEGF receptor targeted NIR fluorescent probe in the AOM-treated mouse model,” Molecular Imaging and Biology, 13(6):1173-1182, 2011.


Luo Y, Castro J, Barton JK, Kostuk R, Barbastathis G, “Simulations and experiment of aperiodic and multiplexed gratings in volume holographic imaging systems,” Optics Express, 18(18):19273-85, 2010.

Winkler AM, Rice PF, Drezek RA, Barton JK, “Quantitative tool for rapid disease mapping using optical coherence tomography images of azoxymethane treated mouse colon,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15(04), 041512, 2010.

Gelsinger-Austin PJ, Luo Y, Watson JM, Kostuk RK, Castro J, Barton JK, “Optical design for a spatial-spectral volume holographic imaging system,” Optical Engineering 49:043001, 2010.

Hariri LP, Liebmann ER, Marion SL, Hoyer PB, Davis JR, Brewer MA, Barton JK, "Simultaneous optical coherence tomography and laser induced fluorescence imaging in rat model of ovarian carcinogenesis,” Cancer Biology & Therapy 10 (5):1-10, 2010.

Davidson BR, Barton JK, “Application of optical coherence tomography to automated contact lens metrology,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 15(01), 016009, 1 January 2010.

Craig Z, Marion SL, David JR, Barton JK, Hoyer PB "7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) induces Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors in the follicle-depleted ovary of 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide (VCD)-treated mice,” Comparative Medicine, 60(1):10-7, 2010.


Korde VR, Bartels H, Barton JK, Ranger-Moore J, “Automatic segmentation of cell nuclei in bladder and skin tissue for karyometric analysis,” Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology 31:83-89, 2009.

Yang ML, Winkler AM, Barton JK, VanDiver PB, “Using optical coherence tomography to examine the subsurface morphology of chinese glazes,” Archaeometry 51:808-821, 2009.

Hariri LP, Bonnema GT, Schmidt K, Winkler AM, Korde V, Hatch KD, Davis JR, Brewer MA, Barton JK, “Laparoscopic optical coherence tomography imaging of human ovarian cancer,” Gynecologic Oncology, 114:188-194, 2009.

Bonnema GT, Cardinal KO, Williams SK, Barton JK, “A concentric three element radial scanning optical coherence tomography endoscope,” Journal of Biophotonics, 200910024, 2009.

Hoyer PB, Davis JR, Bedrnicek JB, Marion SL, Christian PJ, Barton JK, Brewer MA, "Ovarian neoplasm development by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) in a chemically-induced rat model of ovarian failure,” Gynecological Oncology, 112:610615, 2009.

Zhang Y, Davidson BR, Stamer WD, Barton JK, Marmorstein L, Marmorstein AD, “Enhanced inflow and outflow rates despite lower IOP in Bestrophin-2 deficient mice,” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50:765-70, 2009.


Luo Y, Gelsinger-Austin PJ, Watson JM, Barbastathis G, Barton JK, Kostuk RK, “Laser-induced fluorescence imaging of subsurface tissue structures with a volume holographic spatial-spectral imaging system,” Opt Lett. 33(18):2098-2100, 2008.

Bonnema GT, O’Halloran Cardinal K,  Williams SK, Barton JK An automatic algorithm for detecting stent endothelialization from volumetric optical coherence tomography datasets. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53:3083-3098, 2008.

Arauz LJ, Luo Y, Castillo JE, Barton JK, Kostuk RK “Fiber Array Fabrication Technique for 15µm Diameter Single Mode Fibers,” Optical Engineering, 47: 074002, 2008

Troutman T, Barton JK, Romanowski MR “Biodegradable Plasmon Resonant Nanoshells,” Advanced Materials, 20:2604-2608, 2008.

Vargas G, Barton JK, Welch AJ “The Use of Hyper-osmotic Chemical Agent to Improve the Laser Treatment of Cutaneous Vascular Lesions,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13:021114, 2008.

Y. Luo, P.J. Gelsinger, J.K. Barton, G.Barbastathis, R.K. Kostuk, J.K.Barton. Optimization of multiplexed holographic gratings PQ-PMMA for spectral-spatial imaging filters. Optics Letters. 33:566-8, 2008

G. Vargus, J.K. Barton, A.J. Welch. The Use of Hyper-osmotic Chemical Agent to Improve the Laser Treatment of Cutaneous Vascular Lesions. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13:021114, 2008.

A.R. Tumlinson, B. Hofer, A. Winkler, B.Povazay, W. Drexler, J.K.Barton. Inherent homogenous media dispersion comensation in frequency domain optical coherence tomography by accurate "k-sampling". Applied optics. 47(5):687-693. 2008.

G.T. Bonnema, K. O'Halloran-Cardianl, S.K. Williams, J.K.Barton. An automatic algorithm for detecting stent endothelialization from volumetric optical coherence tomography datasets. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 53:3083-3098, 2008

W. Xu, D.L. Mathine, J.K. Barton.  Analog CMOS design for optical coherence tomography signal detection and processing. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 55(2):485-489. 2008


L.P. Hariri, L. Qiu, A.R. Tumlinson, D.G. Besselsen, E.G. Gerner, N. Ignatenko, B. Povazay, B. Hermann, H. Sattmann, J. McNally, Unterhuber, W. Drexler, J.K. Barton.  Serial endoscopy in azoxymethane treated mice sing ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography. Cancer Biology and Therapy. 6(11):1753-1762. 2007.

V. Korde, G. Bonnema, W. Xu, C. Krishnamurthy, J. Ranger-Moore, K. Saboda, L. Slayton, S. Salasche, J. Warneke, D. Alberts, J.K. Barton.  Using optical coherence tomography to evaluate skin sun Damage and precancer. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 39:687-695, 2007.

Y. Luo, L. Arauz, J. Castillo, J.K. Barton, R. Kostuk.  Parallel optical cohernece tomography system. Applied optics. 46(39):8291-8297. 2007.

L.P. Hariri, A.R. Tumlinson, N.H. Wade, D.G. Besselsen, U. Utzinger, E.W. Gerner, J.K. Barton.  Ex vivo optical coherence tomography and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy imaging of murine gastrointestinal tract. Comparative Medicine. 57(2):181-191. 2007.

Y. Luo, J. Castillo, L. Arauz, J.K. Barton, R.K. Kostuk, Coupling and crosstalk effects in high density fiber imaging. Applied optics 46(2): 253-261, 2007.

T. Troutman, J.K. Barton,M. Romanowski, Optical coherence tomography with plasmon resonant nanorods of gold. Optics Letters 32(11): 1438-1440, 2007.

G.T. Bonnema, K.O. Cardinal, J.B. McNally, S.K. Williams, J.K. Barton, Assessment of Blood Vessel Mimics with Optical Coherence Tomography. J. Biomedical Optics 12(2): 024018, 2007.


A. Agrawal, S. Huang, A. Wei, H. Lin, M. Lee, J.K.Barton, R. Drezk, J. Pfefer.  Quantitative evaluation of optical coherence tomography signal enchancement with gold nanoshells. Journal of Biomedical Optics. Vol. 11, 041121, 2006

W. Xu, D.L. Mathine, J.K.Barton.  High-grain differential CMOS transimpendance amplifier with on-chip buried double junction phtodiode. Electronics Letters. 42(14):803-805. 2006.

A.R. Tumlinson, B. Povazay, L.P Hariri, J. McNally, A. Unterhuber, B. Hermann, H. Sttmann, W. Drexler, J.K.Barton.  In vivo ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography of mouse colon with an achromatized endoscope. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 11:064003, 2006.

K.O. Cardinal, G.T. Bonnema, H. Hofer, J.K. Barton, S.K. Williams, “Tissue Engineered Vascular Grafts as In Vitro Blood Vessel Mimics for the Evaluation of Endothelialization of Intravascular Devices. Tissue Engineering 12(2): 3431-3438, 2006.

A. R. Tumlinson, J. K. Barton, B. Povazay, H. Sattman, A. Unterhuber, R. A. Leitgeb, and W. Drexler, "Endoscope-tip interferometer for ultrahigh resolution frequency domain optical coherence tomography in mouse colon," Opt. Express 14: 1878-1887, 2006.

L.P. Hariri, A.R. Tumlinson, D.G. Besselsen, U. Utzinger, E.W. Gerner, J.K. Barton, “Endoscopic optical coherence tomography and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in a murine colon cancer model.” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 38: 305-313 (2006).

 J.B. McNally, N.D. Kirkpatrick, L.P. Hariri, A.R. Tumlinson, D.G. Besselsen, E.W. Gerner, U. Utzinger, J.K. Barton, “Task-based imaging of colon cancer in the ApcMin/+ mouse model.” Applied Optics 45: 3049-3062, 2006.

E.M. Kanter, R.M. Walker, S.L. Marion, M. Brewer, P.B. Hoyer, J.K. Barton, “Dual modality imaging of a novel rat model of ovarian carcinogenesis,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 11:041123, 2006.

W. Xu, G.T. Bonnema, K.W. Gossage, N.H. Wade, J. Medford, J.K. Barton, “Customized analog circuit design for fiber based optical coherence microscopy,” Review of Scientific Instruments 77: 016104, 2006.

K.W. Gossage, C.M. Smith, E.M. Kanter, L.P. Hariri, A.L. Stone, J.J. Rodriguez, S.K. Williams, J.K. Barton, “Texture analysis of speckle in optical coherence tomography images of tissue
", Physics in Medicine and Biology 51:1563-1575, 2006.


J.P. Alberding, A.L. Baldwin, J.K. Barton, E. Wiley, “Effects of pulsation frequency and endothelial integrity on enhanced arterial transmural filtration produced by pulsatile pressure,” Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 289(2):H931-7 2005.

J.K. Barton, S. Stromski, "Flow measurement without phase information in optical coherence
tomography images
," Optics Express 13:5234-5239, 2005.

J.F. Black, N. Wade, J.K. Barton, “Mechanistic comparison of blood undergoing laser
photocoagulation at 532 and 1,064 nm
,” Lasers Surg. Med. 36:155-165, 2005.


J. K. Barton, F. Guzman, A. R. Tumlinson, “Dual Modality Instrument for Simultaneous Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging and Fluorescence Spectroscopy,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 9: 618-623, 2004.

M. Brewer, U. Utzinger, J.K. Barton, J.B. Hoying, N.D. Kirkpatrick, W.R.Brands, J.R. Davis, K. Hunt, S.J. Stevens, A.F Gmitro, “Imaging of the Ovary,” Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 3: 617-628, 2004.

J.F. Black and J.K. Barton, “Chemical and Structural Changes in Blood Undergoing Laser
,” Photochemistry and Photobiology 80:89-97, 2004.

R. Kariya, D.L. Mathine, J.K. Barton, “Analog CMOS Circuit Design and Characterization for Optical Coherence Tomography Signal Processing,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering 51:2160-3, 2004.

M. Scepanovic, J.E. Castillo, J.K. Barton, D.L. Mathine, R.K. Kostuk, A. Sato, “Design and processing of high-density single-mode fiber arrays for imaging and parallel interferometer
,” Applied Optics 43: 4150-4156, 2004.

C. Loo, A. Lin, L. Hirsch, M. Lee, J.K. Barton, N. Halas, J. West, R. Drezek, “Nanoshell-enabled
photonics-based imaging and therapy of cancer
,” Technology in Cancer Research and
Treatment 3:33-40, 2004.

J. Alberding, J.K. Barton, E.B. Wiley, A.L. Baldwin, “Onset of pulsatile pressure causes
transiently increased filtration through artery wall
,” American Journal of Physiology,
Heart Circ. Physiol. 286:H1827-35, 2004.

A. R. Tumlinson, L. P. Hariri, U. Utzinger, J. K. Barton, "A miniature endoscope for simultaneous OCT-LIF measurement," Applied Optics 43: 113-121, 2003.

J.K. Barton, K.W. Gossage, W. Xu, J.R. Ranger-Moore, K. Saboda, C.A. Brooks, L.D. Duckett, S.J. Salasche, J.A. Warneke, D.S. Alberts, "Investigating Sun-damaged Skin and Actinic Keratosis with Optical Coherence Tomography: A Pilot Study," Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, Vol. 2 (6), p. 525-536, 2003.

K.W. Gossage, T.S. Tkaczyk, J.J. Rodriguez, J.K. Barton, “Texture Analysis of Optical Coherence Tomography Images: Feasibility for Tissue Classification,” J. Biomedical Optics, July 2003.

G. Loeb, J.K. Barton, “Imaging Botanical Subjects with Optical Coherence Tomography: A Feasibility Study,” Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering, 46:1751-1757, 2003.

R.C. Wong, S. Yazdanfar, J.A. Izatt, M. Kulkarni, J.K. Barton, A.J. Welch, J. Willis, M.V. Sivak, “Visualization of subsurface blood vessels by color Doppler-optical coherence
tomography in rats: before and after hemostatic therapy
,” Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,
55(1):88-95, 2002.

K.A. Hansen, J.A. Weiss, J.K. Barton, “Recruitment of tendon crimp with applied tensile
,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 124:72-77, 2002.

A.M. Rollins, S. Yazdanfar, J.K. Barton,J.A. Izatt, “Real-time in vivo color Doppler optical
coherence tomography
,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 7:123-129, 2002.

J. K. Barton, D. Popok, J. F. Black, "Thermal Analysis of Blood Undergoing Laser Photocoagulation," submitted to IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2001.

J.K. Barton, A. Rollins, S. Yazdanfar, T.J. Pfefer, V. Westphal, J.A. Izatt, "Photothermal coagulation of blood vessels: a comparison of high-speed optical coherence tomography and numerical modeling," Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46:1665-1678, 2001.

J.K. Barton, G. Frangineas, H. Pummer, J.F. Black, “Cooperative phenomena in two-pulse, two-color laser photocoagulation of cutaneous blood vessels,” Photochemistry and Photobiology , Jun;73(6):642-50,  2001.

J.K. Barton, G. Vargas, T.J. Pfefer, A.J. Welch, "Laser fluence for permanent damage of cutaneous blood vessels", Photochemistry and Photobiology, 70:916-920, 1999. Abstract

T.J. Pfefer, J.K. Barton, D.J. Smithies, T.E. Milner, J.S. Nelson, M.J.C. van Gemert, A.J. Welch, "
Modeling laser treatment of port wine stains with a computer-reconstructed biopsy," Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 24:151-166, 1999.

G. Vargas, E.K. Chan, J.K. Barton, H.G. Rylander, A.J. Welch, "Use of an Agent to Reduce Scattering in Skin," Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 24:133-141 1999.

B. Choi, E.K. Chan, J.K. Barton, S.L. Thomsen, A.J. Welch, "Thermographic and Histological Evaluation of Laser Skin Resurfacing Scans," IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 5:1116-1126, 1999.

J.K. Barton, D.X. Hammer, T.J. Pfefer, T.J. Lund, B.E. Stuck, A.J. Welch, "Simultaneous irradiation and imaging of cutaneous blood vessels," Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 24:236-243, 1999.

J.K. Barton, J.A. Izatt, M.D. Kulkarni, S. Yazdanfar , and A.J. Welch, "Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Blood Vessels from In Vivo Color Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography Images," Dermatology, 198:355-361, 1999. Abstract

J.K. Barton, J.A. Izatt, A.J. Welch, "
Investigating pulsed dye laser-blood vessel interaction with color Doppler optical coherence tomography," Optics Express 2, 251-256, 1998.

J.K. Barton, T.J. Pfefer, A.J. Welch, D.J. Smithies, J.S. Nelson, M.J.C. van Gemert, "Optical Monte Carlo modeling of a true port wine stain anatomy," Optics Express 2, 391,1998.

B. Choi, J.K. Barton, E.K. Chan, A.J. Welch. "Imaging of the Irradiation of Skin with a Clinical CO2 Laser System: Implications for Laser Skin Resurfacing," Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 23:185-193, 1998.

J.A. Izatt, M.D. Kulkarni, S. Yazdanfar, J.K. Barton, A.J. Welch, "In vivo bidirectional Doppler flow imaging of picoliter blood volumes using optical coherence tomography," Optics Letters, 22(18), 1439-1441, 1997.

Not peer reviewed:
J.K. Barton, "Optical Coherence Tomography," McGraw-Hill 2000 Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2000.

Selected Conference Proceedings
A. Agrawal, S. Huang, A. Wei, H. Lin, M. Lee, R. Drezek, J.K. Barton, J. Pfefer, “Quantitative evaluation of optical coherence tomography signal enhancement with gold nanoshells,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, in press. Conference Proceedings.

L.P. Hariri, A.R. Tumlinson, N.H Wade, D.G. Besselsen, U. Utzinger, E.W. Gerner, J.K. Barton.  Ex vivo optical coherence tomography and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy imaging of murine gastrointestinal tract.  Proc. SPIE Vol. 5692, p. 295-306, Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems III; Tuan Vo-Dinh, Warren S. Grundfest M.D., David A. Benaron M.D., Gerald E. Cohn; Eds.  Apr. 2005

L.P. Hariri, J.B. McNally, N.D. Kirkpatrick, A.R. Tumlinson, D.G. Besselsen, E.W. Gerner, U. Utzinger, J.K. Barton.  “Imaging of Colon Cancer in a Mouse Model (ApcMin)”, Frontiers in Optics Conference. Tucson, AZ. October 2005.

K. W. Gossage, Cynthia M. Smith, Elizabeth M. Kanter, Lida P. Hariri, Alice L. Stone, Jeffery J. Rodriguez, Stuart K. Williams, Jennifer K. Barton, "Texture Analysis of Speckle in Optical Coherence Tomography Images of Tissue Phantoms," SPIE Photonics West, Jan. 26, San Jose, CA., 2004.

K.W. Gossage, T.S. Tkaczyk, J.J. Rodriguez, J.K. Barton, “Texture Analysis for Tissue Classification of Optical Coherence Tomography Images,” SPIE Photonics West, Jan. 27, San Jose, CA., 2003.

L.P. Hariri,  A.R. Tumlinson, and J.K. Barton.  “Combined optical coherence tomography and fluorescence spectroscopy: can it diagnose gastrointestinal cancer?”  Frontiers in Optics Conference. Tucson, AZ. October 2003

K.W. Gossage, J.K. Barton, “Using Optical Coherence Tomography to Evaluate Glaucoma Implant Healing Response in Rabbit Eyes.” SPIE Photonics West, Jan. 25, San Jose , CA., 2002.

T.S. Tkaczyk, K.W. Gossage, J.K. Barton, “Speckle image properties in optical coherence tomography.” SPIE Photonics West, Jan. 25, San Jose , CA., 2002.

J.K. Barton, A. Rollins, S. Yazdanfar, T.J. Pfefer, V. Westphal, J.A. Izatt, “Optical-Thermal Model Verification by High-Speed Optical Coherence Tomography” Proc. SPIE 4251-30, 2001.

F. Guzman, J.K. Barton, “Dual OCT/Spectroscopy System for Identification of Vascular Pathology,” Proc. SPIE 4244-75, 2001.

G. Vargas, J.K. Barton, A.J. Welch, “Selective photocoagulation of cutaneous blood vessels with evaluation of vessel damage by color Doppler optical coherence tomography, Proc. SPIE 3907-17, 2000.

K.A. Hansen, J.K. Barton, J.A. Weiss, “Optical Coherence Tomography imaging of collagenous tissue microstructure,” Proc. SPIE, 3914-69, 2000.

J.K. Barton, D.B. DalPonte, S.K. Williams, B. Ford, M.R. Descour, “Imaging vascular implants with optical coherence tomography,” Proc. SPIE, 3915:229-236, 2000.

G. Vargas, J.K. Barton, J.A. Izatt, A.J. Welch, "Assessing vessel damage with color Doppler optical coherence tomography," Proc. SPIE, 3598-29 1999.

J.K. Barton, J.B. Hoying, C.J. Sullivan, "Use of Microbubbles as an Optical Coherence Tomography Contrast Agent," Contrast Media Research 1999 , Woodstock , VT , 9/12-17, 1999.

T.J. Pfefer, J.K. Barton, D. Smithies, T.E. Milner, M.J.C. van Gemert, J.S. Nelson, A.J. Welch, "Laser Treatment of Port Wine Stains: Three-Dimensional Simulation Using Biopsy-Defined Geometry in an Optical-Thermal Model," proc. SPIE, 3245:322-333 1998.

B. Choi, J.K. Barton, E.K. Chan, S.L. Thomsen, A.J. Welch, "Infrared imaging of CO2 laser ablation: Implications for laser skin resurfacing," proc. SPIE, 3245:344-355, 1998.

S. Yazdanfar, M.D. Kulkarni, R.C.K. Wong, M.V. Sivak, J. Willis, J.K. Barton, A.J. Welch, J.A. Izatt, "Diagnostic blood flow monitoring during therapeutic interceptions using color Doppler optical coherence tomography," proc. SPIE, 3251, 1998.

J.K. Barton J.A. Izatt, A.J. Welch, "Investigating laser-blood vessel interaction with color Doppler optical coherence tomography." proc. SPIE, 3251, 1998.

Grants & Contracts:
Current Support:
"Vascular Imaging with Optical Low-Coherence Techniques" (Active)
Principal Investigator: Jennifer K. Barton
Agency: National Science Foundation
Type: Research Grant, 9/01/99 - 8/31/02
This grant is for development of hardware and software to perform imaging and characterization of the vascular system with OCT and other low coherence techniques.
“Southwest Small Animal Imaging Resource” (Active)
Co-Principal Investigator: Jennifer K. Barton
Agency: National Institutes of Health
Type: Small Animal Imaging Resource, 07/01/99 - 06/30/04
The principal investigator for this grant is Robert J. Gillies. Dr. Barton's part is to build an OCT system specifically for small animal imaging.
“Imaging the Healing Response of Glaucoma Implants” (Active)
Principal Investigator: Jennifer K. Barton
Agency: Whitaker Foundation
Type: Research Grant, 12/01/00-11/30/03
This grant is for the development of optical probes and signal processing techniques to evaluate the healing response of three types of implants to treat end-stage glaucoma.

Past Support:
“Perfusion Optical Coherence Tomography” (Past)
Principal Investigator: Jennifer K. Barton
Agency: University of Arizona Foundation
Type : Small Grant, 5/01/99-4/31/00
This grant is for the development of signal processing techniques to obtain depth-resolved perfusion from OCT images.